Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind!

Do you feel like you’re losing your mind while trying to lose weight?

It’s hard enough trying to figure out where to start… is it with diet??.. or exercise??.. or do you have to do both?

Everyone is different & there’s no one right way to do it.

What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another and short term losses don’t necessarily translate into long term success.  No wonder we can feel this way! 

It can feel like you’re riding a roller coaster. I’d try the latest fad diet or exercise program, I’d see results but when the program’s over, I’d fall back into old habits, gaining everything back, feeling defeated and at a loss for what to do next. Sound familiar?

So how do you break this pattern?

1) Clarify your why!

Surface level reasons for change are not enough. I discovered that training my mind was actually the starting point I was missing!

It wasn’t until I dug in deep, spent time to understand why I want to maintain a healthy weight, that lead to me putting in the real effort and commitment necessary to achieve and sustain the results I’m after.

Trying to lose weight to improve your looks or general health might not be enough to ignite the long-lasting change you desire. Considering the consequences of not making the changes and the benefits if you do, can help. Personally, with a wife and 4 kids I recognized that I need to do my best to stay around for the long haul. I also need to be in a condition that allows me to do things with them rather than watching from the sidelines. It’s important to keep the mind attuned to the fat that this is a lifelong effort. Tapping into your deeper why can improve your commitment to integrate the changes necessary into your lifestyle.

2) Share your Intentions & Learn from Others!

Digging in deep and researching what you need to do along with taking a trial-and-error approach can allow you to achieve results…eventually. But why put yourself through that when there are people, resources and communities out there that can build a bridge for you, giving you a shortcut. You’ll find that those who’ve been through it are more than happy to share what they’ve learned and support you with attaining your goals!

3) Commit to Taking the Next Step!

The most important step you’ll ever take in life, is the next one! Create a plan that includes small win efforts you can accomplish and celebrate. For example, if you’re targeting to increase your physical activity level, it starts with showing up. My first target was simple, show up to the gym to do something, it didn’t matter if I was there for 10 minutes, or an hour, I just needed to show up. Once I started showing up consistently, I adjusted my target to the next small win effort I could commit to. This approach creates a mindset geared towards progress.

It’s inevitable that along the way to achieving your weight loss goal you’ll experience some ups and downs but with the right mindset, support network and affinity towards taking action, it’s not a matter of if but when you will achieve success!

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