Why is Meal Planning Important?

Have you ever found yourself in a hurry, peering into your fridge at a loss for what to cook for dinner? Or how about peeking into your cupboard, looking for a snack, only to find the same pre-packaged quick fix options you have been buying for years?

In the past I used to stock my fridge with prepackaged frozen options like chicken wings and frozen pizzas as I found them on sale. I used to buy these just in case I wouldn’t have time to make a home cooked meal. Unfortunately, more often than not, these became my go-to meals and didn’t leave me feeling or performing the way I desired.

Reaching for a frozen dinner, a pastry or a bag of chips is not providing you with the nutrition your body needs. What we eat not only impacts us physically, but mentally as well. If you’re trying to improve your health, or how you show up and perform each day, attaining proper nutrition can play a fundamental role, and meal planning is an effective way to gain control.

Through meal planning you can:

  • Gain Awareness of your Intake – Rather than reaching for the quick fixes that tend to be heavily processed or packaged foods, you’ll have awareness and access to healthier options. When you have a plan, you’re also less likely to over indulge even when eating out!
  • Save Time – By knowing everything you’ll need in advance you can go out and get everything all at once and set yourself up for the week. You can even prepare meals in advance.  You’ll also save all that time previously wasted trying to figure out what to eat!
  • Decrease Stress – Avoid the stress when trying to figure out what you’re going to eat. When you’re hungry or pressed for time there’s no need to add additional pressure to the situation when you can prepare your meal plan in advance.
  • Attain Health Goals – A structured approach that considers the quality and quantity of food you plan to eat each day can significantly improve your ability to meet your daily needs and avoid foods that work against you.
  • Reduce Waste while Saving Money – Sometimes what appears to be a deal, doesn’t always save you money in the end. This can be true when buying in bulk or buying items only because they are on sale! According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 1/3 of all food produced for human consumption is wasted! By knowing what you’re going to use in advance, you can buy only what you need and know you’ll make use of it before it spoils, reducing waste and saving you money.
  • Increase Satisfaction – There is a predisposition for people to stick to what they know, increasing the likelihood of repeating the same meals week after week and a tendency to become bored. When you don’t plan what you eat you can limit the nutritional value you are acquiring, leading to deficiencies, cravings and possibly overeating as you try to satisfy your needs. Through meal planning you can select meals that will increase the variety and sources of the nutrients you need, leaving you feeling more satisfied.

A few things to consider when meal planning include:

  • Variety – Adding variety into your meal planning can help avoid boredom and ensure you’re acquiring the nutrients you need. Include foods across the variety of food groups into your plan ensuring to meet both your calorie, micro & macronutrient requirements.
  • Make Extras – If you’re spending the time to make a meal, why not double or triple the recipe to have more to enjoy later! This will save you both time and effort for food prep and clean-up! Leftovers can make a great lunch the next day or can be stored in the fridge/freezer to enjoy again within the next week or so depending on the recipe and your plan.
  • Plan to use Leftovers – When using leftovers, get creative! They don’t need to be eaten in the initial fashion that they were designed. Leftover veggies would go great in a freshly blended fruit smoothie prepared the next morning. Leftover chicken breast from dinner would be a great addition to a fresh salad or wrap for lunch. The opportunities are only limited by your imagination or plan.

  • Include the Ingredients you Love – With any plan, it’s only as good as your ability to stick to it. With nutrition, it’s not about dieting, rather changing your diet in a way that you will not only be able to sustain but also enjoy! Ensure to identify the foods you love, the must haves, and find a way to work them into your plan.
  • Avoid the Ingredients you Despise – Avoid plans that include foods you know you dislike. You may be able to stomach it in the short term but will likely become a barrier for adherence and long term success. Ensure any plan you try is catered to you and your family’s personal preferences to improve both satisfaction and effectiveness.

So rather than sticking with the same old routine, eating whatever you stocked in your freezer when it was on sale, consider having a plan that will not only improve your health and performance, but will also satisfy while saving you both time and money to boot!

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